Monday, October 22, 2012
Poem: Midas Morning
Monday, September 17, 2012
On Feeling Alive
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Fictional Nonfiction: Excerpts From a Nonexistent Work
"For what is life but a farce filled with tragedy and pain? We are born in pain, we live our lives in pain, and we die in pain. When pain is not physical, it is emotional or spiritual. Usually it is all of these. Pain is the only thing that remains constant in life, and we live the vast majority of our lives in a pitiful attempt to escape this one constant. In fact, eliminating the pain from our lives would (if it could be done) eliminate one of the things that make us human, a large part of our shared experiences as we play our parts in this tragedy we call life."
And, later...
"People say pain is not real because it is only in the mind; I say what is in the mind is far more real than anything we think is outside it."
-excerpts from "A Meditation on Pain", by Anthony Medssen
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Poem: From An Old Man To The Woman He Was Meant To Marry
The throne was waiting, ready for me to take my seat,
I took the golden road, ran the never-ending wheel,
But your heart wasn't a commodity that I could buy or steal.
My life became consumed by success, excess, and pride,
I never had the humility to seek you, my one true bride.
You were ready, waiting always to become my queen,
But I was blind, distracted by my treasures’ golden sheen.
Silent serenades echo through my head,
Words we never spoke and things we never said.
Youthful fancies crumbled into the dusty past,
Memories of childish loves that never seemed to last.
Now I am old, the time has come to leave,
No one to remember me, no one here to grieve.
If only I had sought to find a love that's true,
To find the heart to say what I never said to you.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Anyone Want To Help Me Buy an iPad? (or, An Internet Experiment in Shameless Panhandling)
The purpose of this tongue-in-cheek experiment is to see if, by some sort of random generosity, strangers on the internet will give me money. It is also a chance for me to play with my marketing technique, just for fun. Doing a bang-up job so far, aren't I? =D
Here is a link to the campaign, for anyone interested in the progress of my little experiment... no bites as of this posting, but we'll see what happens. I'll be pleasantly surprised if I get any money at all :)
Monday, April 23, 2012
So, I saw a girl today that reminded me of this...
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A Conspiracy Story?
The nationality of the other two men was less easily discernible; they spoke in a near-perfect aristocratic English, but its status as a second language was occasionally betrayed by a tinge of something Eastern European, or perhaps Western. The men had strangely pallid skin, matching suits, and cold, businesslike demeanors, and appeared to be identical twins; in fact, the President couldn’t discern the difference between them. Truthfully their presence made him very uneasy, and they knew it (though he had never, and would never, admit it to them or anyone else). Most oddly, they nearly always spoke in unison, and when they did it sounded as if a million others were echoing the words along with them. On the rare occasion that they would speak separately, it was in a quick interchanging barrages of words and phrases, as if the same mind was bouncing ideas back and forth between the two of them. They had introduced themselves as Hobbes and Locke, though clearly these were only aliases or codenames of some sort.
“L.A. in two weeks?” the president asked. “Is that really necessary?” The men glanced at each other. “Yes, of course it is,” they replied in perfect unison. “You do understand this has been part of the arrangements for quite some time, don’t you?” The president sighed and nodded in the affirmative.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
A Brief Experiment in Post-Apocalyptic Survival Literature
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Poem: An Easter Meditation

The bells all are ringing,
The people are singing,
Today is the day
Our Lord conquered the grave.
Through his life he brought hope
To a hopeless, weary world,
He eased pains, cured the sick,
Even offered dead men new life.
But all of these miraculous acts,
Beautiful and holy as they were,
Are only the preamble to an incredible song,
Just the beginning of the greatest tale of all.
A tale that transcends all of human experience,
The greatest moment, the linchpin of history,
The reunion of humanity with the divine,
The new Adam’s coming to redeem the old.
By the hand of men the Son of Men was taken,
Tortured and beaten and condemned to death
Battered and bloody, they nailed him to the cross,
He died, taking on the punishment of humanity.
But the poetry of substitution was just the first half.
For three days the world was plunged back into darkness,
Despair ruled triumphant as all hope was lost,
The love of Christ was faded and dim.
But then! In a moment the tide was turned,
The stone rolled away, the God-man risen up.
Completing the arc of human history,
Rising to finally crush sin’s dire hold.
This is Easter, a time worth celebrating
As the most joyous day of the Christian calendar.
Even greater than the birth of our Savior,
Is the day in which his poetic work was completed.
The bells all are ringing,
The people are singing,
Today is the day
Our Lord conquered the grave.