The bells all are ringing,
The people are singing,
Today is the day
Our Lord conquered the grave.
Through his life he brought hope
To a hopeless, weary world,
He eased pains, cured the sick,
Even offered dead men new life.
But all of these miraculous acts,
Beautiful and holy as they were,
Are only the preamble to an incredible song,
Just the beginning of the greatest tale of all.
A tale that transcends all of human experience,
The greatest moment, the linchpin of history,
The reunion of humanity with the divine,
The new Adam’s coming to redeem the old.
By the hand of men the Son of Men was taken,
Tortured and beaten and condemned to death
Battered and bloody, they nailed him to the cross,
He died, taking on the punishment of humanity.
But the poetry of substitution was just the first half.
For three days the world was plunged back into darkness,
Despair ruled triumphant as all hope was lost,
The love of Christ was faded and dim.
But then! In a moment the tide was turned,
The stone rolled away, the God-man risen up.
Completing the arc of human history,
Rising to finally crush sin’s dire hold.
This is Easter, a time worth celebrating
As the most joyous day of the Christian calendar.
Even greater than the birth of our Savior,
Is the day in which his poetic work was completed.
The bells all are ringing,
The people are singing,
Today is the day
Our Lord conquered the grave.
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